Why a New Kitchen?

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Why a New Kitchen?

This is the second installment of a series of blogs I’m chronicling what it was like to remodel my own kitchen. In this week’s blog, I’m letting you in on the dirty little secrets of my old kitchen. The squeamish should look away. Okay, it’s not that terrible, but after living with the remodeled version of my kitchen, the difference between the two spaces is night and day.

Why a new kitchen?

Vintage is definitely in right now. What has never been in are poor-functioning spaces. Kitchens in particular have moved on with the times. Many people remodel with resale value at the forefront of their minds, which is of course a good thing, but I’d also add that there’s intrinsic value in living in and working in spaces that suite your needs – and do so beautifully.

So, the dirty little secrets of a 1960s kitchen:

why a new kitchen before 2


why a new kitchen before 1


why a new kitchen before 3

Okay, the closet isn’t technically in the kitchen, it’s across the hall. However, you can see that closet from the kitchen, so it was a good idea to address that space in the scope of the project.

Was this a good idea?

The business owner in me will tell you yes because I hope you decide to remodel your kitchen too. The homeowner in me will say yes too, though. The day they loaded what used to be my kitchen in the dumpster, I felt liberated. While it was an endeavor to design and build the new kitchen (living at home the through demolition and construction), I delighted with the end result.

To see photos of the new space, head over to the project in our portfolio section.